

第1条 定義

1. 「本サイト」とは、本サービスのコンテンツが掲載されているウェブサイトの総称です。 2. 「利用希望者」とは、当社と「サービス利用契約」を締結することを希望する法人、団体又は事業を営む個人をいいます。 3. 「契約者」とは、本規約に同意の上、第3条に基づいて本サービスの利用者としての登録がなされた法人、団体又は事業を営む個人をいいます。 4. 「本利用契約」とは、本規約に基づいて当社と契約者の間で締結される本サービスの利用契約を意味します。 5. 「ユーザー」とは、契約者が本サービスの利用を認め、当社所定の方法により、本サービスを利用することが可能になった者をいいます。 6. 「コンテンツ」とは、契約者及びユーザーが本サービスを通じてアクセスすることができる情報(文書、画像、動画、音声、音楽その他のサウンド、イメージ、ソフトウェア、プログラム、コードその他のデータを含みますが、これらに限られません。)をいいます。 7. 「ユーザーコンテンツ」とは、本サービス上で、契約者又はユーザーにより作成、保存されたコンテンツをいいます。 8. 「ユーザーデータ」とは、契約者又はユーザーが本サービスにアップロードする画像、テキスト、音声、動画その他のデータをいいます。 9. 「推奨動作環境」とは本サービスの利用にあたり当社が推奨する機器、ソフトウェア等を言います」。 10. 「知的財産権」とは、著作権(著作権法第27条及び同法第28条の権利を含みます。)、特許権、実用新案権、商標権、意匠権その他の知的財産権(それらの権利を取得し、又はそれらの権利につき登録等を出願する権利を含みます。)及びアイデア、ノウハウ等に係る権利をいいます。

第2条 本利用規約の目的

1. 本サービスは、オンライン商談機能、動画生成機能、車両背景ぼかし機能、YouTube動画表示機能、AIによる音声合成機能、AIによるアノテーション表示機能が付帯する、専用の360°撮影アプリや車両360°画像投稿管理システムを用いてアップロードした車両の外観・内観画像等のデータから、当社が管理するクラウドサービス「Amazon Web Services(AWS)」(以下「当社サーバー」といいます)上で加工・生成・保存された画像を、契約者又はユーザーのウェブサイトやSNS、システム内で表示することができるものです。 2. 本サービスに付帯する一部の機能において、ユーザーの保有するGoogleアカウントを連携することで、API経由でYouTubeチャンネルへの動画投稿が可能となります。当該機能におけるGoogleアカウントの情報は、動画投稿以外の目的で使用されることはありません。 3. 本サービスは当社サーバーにおいて生成された画像をユーザー環境に表示することを目的としており、ユーザーデータアップロード後に生成されるデータには当社保有技術を含む機密データが付帯いたします。このため、ユーザーに帰属する旨を明示的に提供されたデータを除き、ユーザーデータ、ユーザーコンテンツ以外のすべてのコンテンツ(データ、本サービスの商標、ロゴ等を含みますが、この限りではありません。)の無形財産にかかる所有権は当社に帰属し、その他全ての知的財産権はユーザーデータの著作権を侵害しない範囲において当社に帰属します。 4. 契約者は、当社に対し、データ等を送信することについての適法な権利を有していること、並びにデータ等及びその送信が第三者の権利を侵害していないことについて、当社に対し表明し、保証するものとします。 5. 契約者及びユーザーは当社に対し、本サービスにおいて生成されるデータを日本の国内外で期限の定めなく無償かつ非独占的に、本サービス及びその付随機能の研究開発、機能改善等に利用する権利を承諾したものとみなします。また、機密情報に該当しないユーザーコンテンツについては本サービス及びその付随機能の研究開発、機能改善等に利用する権利に加えて、プロモーション目的に利用(複製、上映、展示、頒布、変更を加えての利用を含みます。)する権利について同様に承諾したものとみなします。但し、契約者又はユーザーが特定のデータについて機密情報に該当するものとして個別に通知した場合、上記許諾は商業的に合理的な期間内に終了します。 6. 契約者及びユーザーは当社に対し、著作者人格権を行使しないものとします。

第3条 Youtube利用規約の遵守


第4条 サービスの申込

1. 本サービスの利用希望者は、本規約を遵守することに同意し、かつ登録情報を本サービスのウェブ専用ページ又は当社担当者からの申し込書に必要事項を記入する方法で当社に提供することにより、当社に対し、本サービスの利用の登録を申請することができるものとします。 2. 本利用契約は、当社が契約者に対して、本サービスの提供を開始した時に、契約者と当社の間に成立し、これ以降、契約者は本サービスを当社の定める方法で利用することができるようになります。 3. ユーザーは、当社が契約者からのユーザー通知を承諾し、ID登録が完了した時点から、本サービスを本規約に基づき利用できるものとします。 4. 当社は、会員登録を希望するお客様が以下の事由に該当する場合、本サービスの利用を承諾しない場合があります。なお、当社は、以下の事由の有無を調査する義務を負うものではなく、また、本サービスの利用を承諾しない理由をお客様に開示する義務を負うものでもありません。
5. 契約者は、当社に通知した必要事項に変更があった場合には、速やかに、所定の方法により当社に対し変更の通知を行うものとします。当該通知を怠ったことにより当社からの通知が到達しない等の何らかの不利益が生じた場合でも、当社は一切責任を負いません。

第5条 ID・パスワードの管理

1. 契約者は、自己の責任において、当社より付与されたID・パスワードを適切に管理及び保管するものとし、これを第三者に貸与、譲渡、担保提供、名義変更その他方式を問わず利用させてはならないものとします。 2. 当社は、当社に通知・登録されたIDとパスワードの組み合わせと合致したログインがなされた場合、当該利用は登録されている契約者又はユーザーによる利用とみなすことができるものとします。
3. ユーザーアカウントの管理不十分、使用上の過誤、及び第三者の使用等による損害の責任は、当社に故意又は重過失がある場合を除き、契約者が負うものとし、当社は一切の責任を負いません。 4. 契約者及びユーザーは、ID若しくはパスワードが盗まれたり、第三者に使用されていることが判明した場合、又はそのおそれがある場合には、直ちにその旨を当社に通知するとともに、当社からの指示に従うものとします。なお、この場合において、当社の指示に従った結果、契約者又はユーザーに損害が生じたとしても、当社はかかる損害を賠償する責任を一切負いません。

第6条 バックアップ

1. 当社は、当社サーバーにアップロードされたコンテンツデータ及びユーザーコンテンツデータを、定期的なバックアップにより一定期間、複数個所に保管します。但し、契約者においても、本サービスの利用に関連して入力、提供又は伝送するデータ等について、必要な情報は自己の責任で保全するものとします。 2. 当社は、当社システムの障害等によってコンテンツが正常に表示、利用できなくなった場合、当社がバックアップしたデータ等を用いて復旧するものとします(契約者毎の要望に応じて、バックアップしたデータ等を提供するものではありません。)。 3. 当社は、バックアップを、原則として毎日行います(契約者毎の要望に応じて、バックアップの日時を調整するものではありません。)。 4. 当社は、前項までのバックアップ体制により、コンテンツデータが消失するリスクをできる限り低くするよう努めますが、外部バックアップ保管用のクラウドサーバーを含むシステムにおいて想定しない障害が発生した場合には、コンテンツデータが消失する可能性があり、契約者は予めこれを承諾するものとし、当社は契約者に発生した損害の賠償をする責任を負わないものとします。 5. 本サービスの保守や改良などの必要が生じた場合には、当社は契約者が当社の管理するサーバーに保存しているデータ等を、本サービスの保守や改良などに必要な範囲で複製等することができ、契約者はこれらの行為について異議等を述べないものとします。

第7条 サービスの解約

1. 利用登録を行った契約者は、所定の方法により本サービスを解約することができるものとします。本サービスを解約した契約者及び当該契約者により本サービス利用を認められたユーザーは、契約者の解約の時点から本サービス(当該契約者が解約した本規約に基づくサービス利用契約の範囲に限ります。)を利用することができなくなるものとします。 2. 解約にあたり、当社に対して負っている債務(本規約上の債務のみならず、契約者の当社に対する損害賠償債務も含みますが、これらに限りません。)がある場合は、契約者は、当社に対して負っている債務の一切について当然に期限の利益を失い、直ちに当社に対して全ての債務を履行しなければなりません。 3. 契約者が本規約に基づくサービス利用契約の途中で解約した場合でも、当該契約の残期間に対応する利用料金は発生するものとし、当社は、契約者に対し、日割計算等による精算及び返金は行いません。 4. 契約者は、本サービス解約後も、当社に対する本サービスの利用により契約者が負った義務及び債務を免れるものではありません。 5. 当社は、契約者が本サービスの全部又は一部を解約した後も、解約した本サービスに係る当該契約者及び当該契約者が本規約に基づき追加したユーザーのユーザーアカウント及び当該契約者が当社に提供したデータ等その他一切の情報を保有若しくは削除し、又は本規約に基づき利用することができるものとします。 6. 本サービス解約後、契約者が再度本サービスの登録を希望する際は、再度登録手続を行う必要があります。契約者は再度の登録手続によっても、解約前のデータが引き継がれないことを予め承諾するものとします。 7. 本サービス解約後、当社は、契約者が当社に対し提供した契約者のデータ等その他一切の情報を引渡さないものとし、契約者はこれを異議なく承諾するものとします。

第8条 禁止事項

1. 契約者は、本サービスの利用に関し、ユーザー又は第三者に次の行為を行わせてはなりません。お客様が禁止行為を行った場合、又は第三者に行わせた場合、当社は、直ちに利用を停止する等の必要な措置をとることができるものとします。
2. 前項各号に掲げる行為によって、当社、他の契約者及びユーザー、又は第三者に損害が生じた場合、当該行為者及び契約者はそのすべての法的責任を負うものとします。 3. 当社は、契約者又はユーザーの行為が第1項各号のいずれかに該当した場合、当社の判断、又は法令若しくは被害者等の第三者による適法かつ正当な申告に基づき、本サービスの提供の停止等の必要な措置及び禁止事項に該当する情報の送信防止措置(ユーザーデータの非表示、削除を含みます。)を執ることができるものとします。

第9条 利用環境の整備

1. ユーザーは、本サービスを利用するために必要なカメラ等機材、コンピュータ、携帯電話その他の機器、OS(ファームウェアのバージョン含む)、アプリケーションの動作環境、通信環境を整えるものとします。本サービスは、カメラ、インターネット、電子メールその他利用者のコンピュータ、携帯電話その他の機器、OS、アプリケーションの各種設定(セキュリティ設定を含みます。)が適切になされていることを前提にしており、不適切なコンピュータ、携帯電話その他の機器、OS、アプリケーションの動作環境・通信環境により本サービスが正しく提供できない場合でも、当社は契約者又はユーザーに対して一切責任を負いません。 2. 契約者は、本サービスの利用開始に際し又は本サービスの利用中に、当社ウェブサイト等からのダウンロードその他の方法によりソフトウェア等を契約者のコンピューター等にインストールする場合、契約者が保有する情報の消滅若しくは改変又は機器の故障、損傷等が生じないよう十分な注意を払うものとし、当社は、かかる事象に基づき契約者に生じた損害について一切責任を負わないものとします。 3. ユーザーは、自己の費用と責任において、コンピュータ・ウィルスの防止等のセキュリティ対策を講じるものとし、使用する機器においてコンピュータ・ウィルスへの感染等が発覚した場合、又はその恐れがある場合には遅滞なく当社に通知しなければなりません。

第10条 サービスの利用停止又はアカウントの削除・変更

1. 当社は、契約者が次のいずれかに該当すること、又は該当するおそれがあると当社が判断した場合、事前の通知又は催告することなく、当該契約者の本サービスの利用を一時的に停止その他の必要な措置をし、契約者としての登録を抹消、又は契約者との間のサービス利用契約を解除することができるものとします。
2. 前項各号のいずれかの事由に該当した場合、契約者は、当社に対して負っている債務の一切(本規約上の債務のみならず、契約者の当社に対する損害賠償債務も含みますが、これらに限りません。)について当然に期限の利益を失い、直ちに当社に対して全ての債務を履行しなければなりません。 3. 契約者は、第1項に基づく措置がなされた後も、当社及びその他の第三者に対する本サービス利用上の一切の義務及び債務(損害賠償を含みますが、これに限りません。)を免れるものではありません。 4. 当社は、本条に基づき当社が行った行為により契約者に生じた損害について一切の責任を負わず、第1項に基づく措置がなされた後も、当該契約者が当社に提供したデータ等その他一切の情報を保有又は本規約に基づいて利用することができるものとします。

第11条 契約者の情報及び個人情報の取り扱い

1. 当社は、契約者の情報、ユーザーその他の者の個人情報の保護に関する法律にて定められた個人情報(以下、「個人情報」といいます。)を契約者あるいはユーザー本人から直接収集し、又は契約者あるいはユーザー以外の者から間接に知らされた場合には、本サービスの円滑な提供を確保するために必要な期間中これを保存することができるものとします。 2. 当社は、契約者の情報並びに個人情報を当該契約者並びにユーザー本人、前項の情報提供元及び情報主体以外の者に開示、提供せず、本サービスの提供のために必要な範囲を越えて使用しないものとします。 3. 当社は、契約者からの要請があった場合若しくは本利用契約の終了後又は当社が定める保存期間の経過後は、個人情報を消去するものとします。但し、本利用契約の終了後又は当社が定める保存期間の経過後においても、法令の規定に基づき個人情報を保存しなければならないときは、当該情報を消去しないことができるものとします。 4. 当社はユーザーコンテンツ及びユーザーデータを機密情報として取り扱います。但し、WEB等を通じて一般に公開されている情報、あるいは過去において公開されていた情報については機密情報には該当しないものとします。

第12条 サービスの一時的な中断及び停止

1. 当社は、契約者に事前の通知をすることなく、本サービス及び本サービスに関するソフトウェアの内容の全部又は一部を変更又は追加することができるものとします。但し、本サービスの大幅な縮減を伴う変更又は廃止の場合には、本サービスを変更又は廃止する旨及び変更後の本サービスの内容並びにその時期を当社ウェブサイト等への掲載その他当社が適当と判断する方法により、当該変更又は廃止の相当期間前までに、契約者に通知します。 2. 当社は、当社の判断により本サービスの全部又は一部の提供・運営を中止することができるものとします。また、当社は、当社の判断により本サービスの全部又は一部の提供・運営を中止する場合、当社が適当と判断する方法で契約者にその旨通知します。但し、緊急の場合は契約者への通知を行わない場合があります。 3. 当社は、以下各号の事由が生じた場合には、契約者に事前に通知することなく、本サービスの全部又は一部を一時的に中断することができるものとします。
4. 契約者は、次の各号のいずれかに該当する場合、本サービスの利用の全部又は一部が制限されることがあることに予め承諾します。
5. 当社は、契約者に対し、本サービスに関するソフトウェアのサポート及び修正版(アップデート版を含みます。)の提供を行う義務を負いません。 6. 当社は、本条に基づき当社が行った措置により契約者に生じた損害について一切の責任を負いません。

第13条 他の規定との関係


第14条 反社会的勢力の排除


第15条 損害賠償

1. 契約者は、本規約に違反することにより、又は本サービスの利用に関連して当社に損害を与えた場合、当社に対しその全ての損害(弁護士等専門家費用及び当社人件費相当額を含みます。)を賠償しなければなりません。 2. 契約者による本サービスの利用に関連して、当社が、他の契約者又はユーザーその他の第三者から権利侵害その他の理由により何らかの請求を受けた場合、当該契約者は、当該請求に基づき当社が当該第三者に支払いを余儀なくされた金額及び当該請求に係る紛争等の解決のために当社が負担した金額(弁護士等専門家費用及び当社人件費相当額を含みます。)を賠償しなければなりません。

第16条 保証の否認及び免責

1. 当社は、本サービス、本サービスを通じて提供されるコンテンツその他本サービスにより契約者が取得し得る一切の情報が、契約者の特定の目的に適合すること、期待する機能・商品的価値・正確性・有用性を有すること、契約者による本サービスの利用が契約者に適用のある法令又は業界団体の内部規則等に適合すること、不具合が生じないこと、本サービスの利用に関する問題を解決すること、本サービスを通じて提供されるコンテンツが適法に利用可能であること、当社以外が提供するサービス等の利用規約等を遵守していること及び第三者の権利を侵害しないこと等について、何ら保証するものではありません。 2. 当社は、当社による本サービスの提供の中断、停止、終了、利用不能又は変更、契約者が本サービスに送信したデータ等の削除又は消失、契約者の登録の抹消、本サービスの利用によるデータ等の消失又は機器の故障若しくは損傷、本サービスの利用におけるサーバーの停止、サーバーへの接続の不能又は遅延によるデータの滅失、毀損、漏洩、その他本サービスに関して契約者が被った損害につき、当社に故意又は重過失がある場合を除き、賠償する責任を一切負わないものとします。 3. 当社は、契約者間の通信や活動に関与しません。万一契約者間で紛争や問題が生じた場合には、当該契約者間の責任と費用でこれを解決するものとし、当社はこれに一切関与しません。 4. 契約者と第三者との間で紛争が生じた場合には、契約者は自身の責任と費用でこれを解決するものとし、当社はこれに一切関与しません。 5. 当社ウェブサイト等から他のウェブサイトへのリンク又は他のウェブサイトから当社ウェブサイト等へのリンクが提供されている場合でも、当社は、当社ウェブサイト等以外のウェブサイト及びそこから得られる情報に関して一切の責任を負わないものとします。 6. ユーザーが入力した情報について、契約者は自身で入力情報の真偽や入力方法の正確性を確認するものとし、当社は表示された情報の正確性や集計結果等が実態を正確に反映していることを保証するものではありません。 7. 契約者は、データ等を契約者自身の責任で管理し、本サービス上でのデータ等の入力、更新、加工・編集等の履歴についても本サービスにおいて提供される範囲において当該機能を利用して自ら確認するものとします。当社は、データ等に含まれる個人情報について個人情報保護方針に則って対応する場合を除き、契約者のデータ等の内容及びその履歴の開示、訂正又は削除等に対応することについて一切責任を負いません。 8. 当社は、本サービスが全ての端末に対応していることを保証するものではなく、また、仮に本サービスの利用開始時に対応していた場合でも、本サービスの利用に供する端末のOSのバージョンアップ等に伴い本サービスの動作に不具合が生じる可能性があることについて、契約者は予め承諾するものとします。当社は、かかる不具合が生じた場合に当社が行うプログラムの修正等により当該不具合が解消されることを保証するものではありません。なお、本サイトに別途記載して本サービス推奨動作環境においても当条項の対象から除外されるものではありません。 9. 契約者は、本サービスの利用において、撮影方法、環境、カメラ性能により画質、画像の乱れが生じることについてあらかじめ承諾するものとし、これにより契約者又はユーザー被る損害について一切責任を負いません。 10. 本サービスは、一部の機能を利用する場合において契約者又はユーザーの保有する外部サービスへのアクセスを伴いますが、当該外部サービスのシステムの状況、他社サービスアカウントの状況等の外部システム等による本サービスへの影響について一切の責任を負わないものとします。 11. 契約者は、本サービスに含まれる人工知能による判断はユーザー業務の補助としての機能を有するものであり、その完全性を保証するものではないことについて承諾するものとします。契約者、ユーザー及び第三者が本機能の判断に従った結果生じた不利益について当社は一切責任を負いません。 12. 当社は、本サービスに関連して契約者が被った損害について、当社に故意又は重過失があったときを除き、一切賠償の責任を負いません。なお、当社に故意又は重過失があった場合、及び消費者契約法の適用その他の理由により、本項その他当社の損害賠償責任を免責する規定にかかわらず当社が契約者に対して損害賠償責任を負う範囲の一部免責しか許されない場合においても、当社の賠償責任の範囲は、当社の責に帰すべき事由により現実に発生した直接かつ通常の損害に限られるものとし、かつ、損害の事由が生じた時点から遡って過去1年間に当該契約者から現実に受領した本サービスの利用料金の総額を上限とします。

第17条 本規約上の地位の譲渡等

1. 契約者は、当社の書面による事前の承諾なく、サービス利用契約上の地位又は本規約に基づく権利義務の全部又は一部を、第三者に対する譲渡、承継(合併、会社分割等による包括承継を含みます。)し又は担保の目的に供することはできません。 2. 当社が本サービスにかかる事業を他者に譲渡した場合には、当該事業譲渡に伴いサービス利用契約上の地位、本規約に基づく権利及び義務並びに契約者の登録情報その他の顧客情報を当該事業譲渡の譲受人に譲渡できるものとし、契約者は、かかる譲渡につき予め同意したものとみなします。

第18条 分離可能性


第19条 存続条項

1. 第2条第2項から第6項、第8条、第11条、第15条、第20条については、当社と契約者との間のサービス利用契約が終了した場合でも、その終了原因の如何を問わず、なお効力を有するものとします。 2. その他本規約の目的等に照らして合理的に存続するものと考えられる規定

第20条 準拠法及び合意管轄

1. 本利用規約の準拠法は、日本法とします。 2. 本利用規約に関する訴訟については、名古屋地方裁判所を第一審の専属的合意管轄裁判所とします。

第21条 利用規約の変更


第22条 協議解決




Terms of Service

The 360°Car® (kurumaVR®) Terms of Service (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms of Service") is a service provided by AGENCIA Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") for 360°image generation and distribution platform service (hereinafter referred to as the "Service"), and is provided to prospective users (defined in Article 2, Item 2). (hereinafter referred to as "AGENCIA") (defined in Article 2, Item 2. The same shall apply hereinafter) and the Subscriber (as defined in Article 2, Item 3). (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") and the Subscriber (defined in Article 2, Item 3; hereinafter the same shall apply. The same shall apply hereinafter) and the subscriber (defined in Article 2, Item 3. (2) The following is a list of matters that must be agreed to by the user (defined in Article 2, Item 2) and subscriber (defined in Article 2, Item 3). The Terms of Use shall apply when using the Service. Please be sure to read these Terms of Use before using the Service, as you will be deemed to have agreed to these Terms of Use at the time of your registration or use of the Service.

Article 1 Definitions

1. The "Site" is a generic term for the website on which the Service's content is posted. 2. Prospective Subscriber" means a corporation, organization or individual operating a business that wishes to enter into a "Service Usage Agreement" with the Company. 3. Subscriber" means a corporation, organization, or individual operating a business that has agreed to these Terms and Conditions and has registered as a user of the Service in accordance with Article 3. 4. The term "Service Agreement" means the Service Agreement between the Company and the Subscriber based on these Terms and Conditions. 5. User" means a person who has been authorized to use the Service by the Subscriber and who has been enabled to use the Service in accordance with the method prescribed by the Company. 6. Content" means information (including, but not limited to, documents, images, video, sound, music and other sounds, images, software, programs, code and other data) that Subscribers and Users may access through the Service. means information that is accessible by the Subscriber and the User through the Service. 7. User Content" means Content created and stored by Subscriber or User on the Service. 8. User Data" means images, text, audio, video and other data uploaded to the Service by the Subscriber or User. 9. Recommended operating environment" refers to the equipment, software, etc. recommended by the Company for use of the Service. 10. Intellectual Property Rights" means copyrights (including rights under Article 27 and Article 28 of the Copyright Act), patents, utility model rights, trademark rights, design rights, and other intellectual property rights (including the right to acquire such rights or to apply for registration of such rights). (including rights under Article 27 and Article 28 of the Copyright Act), patent rights, utility model rights, trademark rights, design rights, and other intellectual property rights (including the right to acquire such rights or to apply for registration of such rights). (iii) "Rights" means the rights pertaining to ideas, know-how, etc.

Article 2 Purpose of these Terms of Use

1. This service is designed to process, generate, and store images of vehicle exteriors and interiors uploaded using a dedicated 360° shooting application or a vehicle 360° image submission management system, which includes an online business meeting function, video generation function, vehicle background blurring function, YouTube video display function, voice synthesis function using AI, and annotation display function using AI. The images processed, generated, and stored on Amazon Web Services (AWS), a cloud service managed by the Company (hereinafter referred to as "the Company's server"), from data such as exterior and interior images uploaded using a dedicated 360° photography application or vehicle 360° image submission management system, can be displayed on the Subscriber's or user's website, SNS, or in the system. 2. Some of the functions associated with this service allow users to post videos to a YouTube channel via API by linking their Google account. Google account information for such functions will not be used for any purpose other than video posting. 3. The purpose of this service is to display images generated by our servers in the user's environment, and the data generated after the user data is uploaded will contain confidential data including our proprietary technology. For this reason, except for data explicitly provided as belonging to the user, all content other than user data and user content (including, but not limited to, data, trademarks, logos, etc. of this service) shall remain the property of the Company. ), and all other intellectual property rights shall belong to the Company to the extent that they do not infringe on the copyrights of User Data. 4. The Subscriber represents and warrants to the Company that it has the lawful right to transmit data, etc. and that the data, etc. and its transmission do not infringe upon the rights of any third party. 5. Subscribers and users agree to grant NEC Soft the right to use the data generated by the Service for research and development, functional improvement, etc. of the Service and its associated functions in Japan and overseas on a free and non-exclusive basis without limitation of time. In addition to the right to use User Content that does not fall under the category of confidential information for research and development, functional improvement, etc., of the Service and its incidental functions, the right to use it for promotional purposes (including reproduction, showing, exhibition, distribution, and use with modification) shall also be deemed to have been consented to in the same manner. The Subscriber or User shall be deemed to have consented to the right to use the Content for promotional purposes (including reproduction, screening, exhibition, distribution, and use with modification). However, if the Subscriber or User individually notifies the Company that certain data falls under the category of confidential information, the above license shall be terminated within a commercially reasonable period of time. 6. Neither the Subscriber nor the User shall exercise moral rights against the Company.

Article 3 Compliance with Youtube Terms of Use

The Subscriber and User of the Service shall comply with the Youtube Terms of Service (https://www.youtube.com/t/terms) when using the Service.
360°Car® (kurumaVR®) will only access and use the user's YouTube video viewing, channel information (channel name, channel ID, etc.) and content information (video title, description, public settings, playlist title, description, public settings, etc.), access permissions (permissions related to actions such as viewing, uploading, editing, and deleting), and will not store or share Google user data. ), access rights (rights related to actions such as viewing, uploading, editing, deleting, etc.), and will not store or share Google user data.

Article 4 Application for Service

1. A person who wishes to use the Service may apply to the Company for registration to use the Service by agreeing to abide by the Terms and Conditions and providing the Company with the registration information by filling in the required items on the dedicated web page for the Service or on an application form from a Company representative. 2. This Service Agreement shall come into effect between the Subscriber and the Company when the Company begins to provide the Service to the Subscriber, and thereafter the Subscriber shall be able to use the Service in the manner determined by the Company. 3. The User may use the Service in accordance with the Terms and Conditions from the time the Company accepts the User's notification from the Subscriber and the ID registration is completed. 4. If any of the following reasons applies to a customer who wishes to register as a member, the Company may refuse to allow the customer to use the Service. The Company is not obligated to investigate the existence of any of the following reasons, nor is it obligated to disclose to the customer the reason for not approving the use of the Service.
(1)If the contents of the notification to us are reasonably deemed to be false or inaccurate
(2)If you are currently, or have in the past, delayed in fulfilling your obligations to us
(3)When it is clearly expected that the Service will be used in violation of these Terms of Use or other rules established by the Company
(4)If you have been terminated in the past for violating these Terms of Use or other rules set forth by the Company
(5)When the Company deems it inappropriate for other reasonable reasons.
5. The Subscriber shall promptly notify the Company of any change in the required information notified to the Company by the prescribed method. The Company shall not be liable for any disadvantages incurred by the Subscriber due to failure to give such notification, such as failure to receive notification from the Company.

Article 5 Management of IDs and Passwords

1. The Subscriber shall, at its own responsibility, properly manage and store the ID and password granted by the Company, and shall not lend, transfer, offer as security, change the name, or allow any other method of use by a third party. 2. If a login is made that matches the combination of ID and password notified and registered with the Company, the Company may deem such use to be by the registered Subscriber or User.
In this case, the Subscriber shall assume all responsibility for the use of the Service using said ID and password.
3. The Subscriber shall be responsible for any damages caused by inadequate management of the user account, errors in use, or use by a third party, except in the case of willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the Company, and the Company shall not be liable for any such damages. 4. If the Subscriber or User discovers that his/her ID or password has been stolen or is being used by a third party, or if there is a possibility of such theft or use, the Subscriber or User shall immediately notify the Company to that effect and follow the Company's instructions. In this case, even if the Subscriber or User suffers damages as a result of following the Company's instructions, the Company shall not be liable to compensate for such damages.

Article 6 Backup

1. The Company will store content data uploaded to the Company's servers and user content data in multiple locations for a fixed period of time through periodic backups. However, the Subscriber shall also be responsible for preserving necessary information regarding data entered, provided, or transmitted in connection with the use of this Service. 2. In the event that contents cannot be displayed or used normally due to a failure of the Company's system, etc., the Company shall restore the contents using data, etc. backed up by the Company (the Company shall not provide backed up data, etc. in response to each Subscriber's request). (Backed-up data, etc. will not be provided upon request of each subscriber. 3. In principle, the Company performs backups on a daily basis (backup dates and times are not adjusted in accordance with the requests of individual subscribers). (The backup date and time will not be adjusted in accordance with each subscriber's request. 4. However, in the event of an unexpected failure in the system including the cloud server for external backup storage, there is a possibility that the content data may be lost, and the subscriber shall accept this in advance. The Subscriber agrees to this, and the Company shall not be liable to compensate the Subscriber for any damages incurred. 5. When the need for maintenance or improvement of the Service arises, the Company may duplicate data, etc. stored by the Subscriber on the server managed by the Company to the extent necessary for maintenance or improvement of the Service, and the Subscriber shall not object to such actions.

Article 7 Termination of Service

1. The Subscriber who has registered for use of the Service may cancel the Service by the prescribed method. The Subscriber who cancels the Service and the User who was permitted to use the Service by the Subscriber shall no longer be able to use the Service (limited to the scope of the Service Use Agreement based on the Terms and Conditions cancelled by the Subscriber) from the time of cancellation by the Subscriber. The Subscriber shall no longer be able to use the Service. 2. Upon termination, if the Subscriber has any debts owed to the Company (including, but not limited to, not only debts under these Terms and Conditions, but also the Subscriber's obligations to the Company for compensation for damages), the Subscriber shall naturally lose the benefit of time with respect to all debts owed to the Company, and shall immediately perform all obligations to the Company. If the Subscriber has any obligations (including, but not limited to, obligations for compensation for damages owed by the Subscriber to the Company as well as obligations under these Terms and Conditions), the Subscriber will naturally lose the benefit of time with respect to all obligations owed to the Company and must immediately perform all obligations to the Company. 3. Even if the Subscriber cancels the Service Usage Contract in the middle of the Service Usage Contract based on these Terms and Conditions, the usage fee corresponding to the remaining period of such contract shall accrue, and the Company shall not make any settlement or refund to the Subscriber by pro-rata calculation or otherwise. 4. The Subscriber shall not be discharged from the obligations and liabilities that the Subscriber has incurred due to the use of the Service to the Company even after the cancellation of the Service. 5. Even after the Subscriber cancels all or part of the Service, the Company may retain or delete the user accounts of the Subscriber and users added by the Subscriber in accordance with these Terms of Use, and data and all other information provided by the Subscriber to the Company in connection with the cancelled Service, or use such information in accordance with these Terms of Use. The Company may retain or delete the user accounts of such Subscriber and users added by such Subscriber in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, and any and all data and other information provided by such Subscriber to the Company or used in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. 6. When a subscriber wishes to register for the service again after cancellation of the service, the subscriber must go through the registration procedure again. The subscriber agrees in advance that the data from before the cancellation will not be taken over even if he/she goes through the registration process again. 7. After cancellation of the Service, the Company shall not hand over the Subscriber's data and any other information provided by the Subscriber to the Company, and the Subscriber shall accept this without objection.

Article 8 Prohibitions

1. With regard to the use of the Service, the Subscriber shall not cause the following acts to be performed by the user or a third party. In the event that the Subscriber performs or causes a third party to perform any of the prohibited acts, the Company may immediately take necessary measures such as suspending the use of the Service.
(1)Any act that violates or may violate these Terms of Use or other rules established by the Company
(2)Acts that violate the laws and regulations of the country or region in which the Subscriber or User is located.
(3)Fraud or threats against the Company or third parties
(4)Acts against public order and morals
(5)Transmitting information through the Service that falls under any of the following or is deemed
by the Company to fall under any of the following
 (1)Information containing excessively violent or cruel expressions
 (2)Information containing computer viruses or other harmful programs
 (3)Information containing excessively obscene language
 (4)Information containing expressions that promote discrimination
 (5)Information containing expressions that encourage suicide or self-harm
 (6)Information containing expressions that promote the inappropriate use of drugs
 (7)Information containing antisocial expressions
 (8)Information containing expressions that may cause discomfort to others
 (9)Information containing false information
 (10)Information that includes advertising, promotion, solicitation, or sales activities that deviate from the purpose of this service
(6)(iii) Acts that defame or discredit the Company, other subscribers, users, or third parties, and acts that infringe on privacy, portrait rights, or other rights or interests.
(7)Any act that infringes on the intellectual property rights, including copyrights and neighboring rights, of the Company, other Subscribers or Users, or any third party.
(8)(iii) Acts that place an excessive load on our network, servers, or systems, or other acts that interfere or may interfere with the smooth operation of this site or provision of this service by our company.
(9)Altering or deleting the contents of the Service or information available through the Service without the Company's permission.
(10)Unauthorized access to the overall system connected to this service without authorization, or unauthorized rewriting or deletion of information stored in the Company's facilities.
(11)Acts for the purpose of collecting information on other subscribers to this service
(12)(iii) Actions such as actions that take advantage of bugs or malfunctions not normally intended by the Service, including the transmission or posting of harmful computer programs such as viruses, or the use of external tools that have effects not normally intended by the Service.
(13)Posting of URLs generated by the Service on the User's own service site or on sites other than SNS without the Company's consent.
(14)Disclosure of information obtained from the Service on the Internet without the Company's consent
(15)(This includes, but is not limited to, the joint use of a single user ID by multiple companies and the acquisition of an ID on behalf of a prospective user whose ID has been suspended.)
(16)Disassembling, decompiling, reverse engineering, or otherwise analyzing the source code of the Service
(17)Antisocial forces, etc. (meaning organized crime groups, members of organized crime groups, persons who have not been members of organized crime groups for five years, right-wing organizations, quasi-constituents of organized crime groups, general assemblymen, social movement advocacy groups, special intelligent violent groups, and other similar groups. (The same shall apply hereinafter.) (ii) Profit-sharing with a person who is a member of a crime syndicate or a crime syndicate
(18)(iii) Using violent or threatening words or actions (including, but not limited to, telling a person that he/she or a related person is an antisocial force, etc.). (ii) Acts of using violence or threatening words or deeds
(19)Accessing the Service for the purpose of developing or improving competing or similar services.
(20)Any act that is contrary to the purpose or objective of these Terms of Use or the Service.
(21)Acts that directly or indirectly cause or facilitate any of the aforementioned acts
(22)In addition to the preceding items, any other actions that the Company deems inappropriate.
2. If any damage is caused to us, other subscribers and users, or any third party as a result of any of the acts listed in the preceding paragraphs, the actor and the subscriber concerned shall be liable for all such damages. 3. If the Subscriber's or User's conduct falls under any of the items of Paragraph 1, the Company may, at its own discretion, or based on the law or a lawful and justifiable report by a third party such as the victim, take necessary measures such as suspension of provision of the Service, and measures to prevent transmission of prohibited information (including non-display and deletion of user data). (including the hiding and deletion of user data). (including the hiding and deletion of user data).
However, SBM is not obligated to investigate the prohibited items or to take the measures described in this section, and SBM shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the Subscriber or User as a result of taking the aforementioned measures.

Article 9 Maintenance of Usage Environment

1. The User shall prepare the camera and other equipment, computer, cell phone and other devices, operating system (including firmware version), application operating environment, and communication environment necessary to use the Service. The Service is provided on the premise that the various settings (including security settings) of the camera, Internet, e-mail, and other user's computers, cell phones, and other devices, operating systems, and applications are properly configured. The Company shall not be liable to the Subscriber or User in the event that the Service cannot be provided properly due to an inappropriate computer, cell phone, or other device, operating system, or application operating or communication environment. 2. When the Subscriber installs software, etc. on the Subscriber's computer, etc. by downloading from the Company's website or other methods at the start of use of the Service or while using the Service, the Subscriber shall take sufficient care not to erase or alter information held by the Subscriber or cause equipment malfunction or damage, etc. The Company shall not be liable for any damage caused to the Subscriber based on such events. 3. Users shall, at their own expense and responsibility, take security measures to prevent computer viruses, etc., and shall notify the Company without delay if any computer virus infection, etc., is discovered in the equipment they use, or if there is a risk of such infection, etc.

Article 10 Suspension of Service or Deletion or Change of Account

1. If the Company determines that a subscriber falls under any of the following or is likely to fall under any of the following, the Company may, without prior notice or demand, temporarily suspend the subscriber's use of the Service or take other necessary measures, terminate the subscriber's registration, or cancel the service use contract with the subscriber. The Company may take necessary measures such as temporarily suspending the Subscriber's use of the Service, terminating the Subscriber's registration as a Subscriber, or cancel the Service Use Agreement with the Subscriber without prior notice or demand.
(1)If we determine that you have violated any provision of these Terms of Use or that there is a possibility that you may have violated these Terms of Use
(2)When all or part of the information provided to us is found to be false
(3)If your ID or user password is stolen or found to have been used by a third party
(4)If the Company determines that your environment is infected with a computer virus, or that you have sent a large volume of e-mail that may cause damage to the Company or a third party.
(5)If the bank account or credit card designated by the Subscriber as the method of payment of the Service fee is suspended or invalidated, or if their unauthorized use is discovered.
(6)(iii) In the event that payment of the Service fee is delayed and the delay is not cleared by the date specified by the Company.
(7)(iii) If a minor, adult ward, person under curatorship or person under assistance is found to be without the consent, etc. of his/her legal representative, guardian, conservator, or assistant.
(8)(iii) the Company ceases to make payments or becomes insolvent, or a petition is filed for commencement of bankruptcy proceedings, civil rehabilitation proceedings, corporate reorganization proceedings, special liquidation, or any other similar proceedings
(9)Significant deterioration in creditworthiness or material changes in business operations that affect creditworthiness
(10)If the subscriber resolves to dissolve the company or resolves to reorganize the company such as merger with another company.
(11)When there are reasonable grounds for terminating the Service Use Contract in cases where the subscriber has died, or when the subscriber has received a judgment for commencement of guardianship, commencement of conservatorship, or commencement of assistance.
(12)If you have not responded to our inquiries or other communications requesting a response for 30 days or more
(13)In the event that we determine that the applicant is an anti-social force, etc., or that the applicant is involved in any interaction or involvement with anti-social forces, etc., such as cooperation or involvement in the maintenance, operation or management of anti-social forces, etc., through funding or other means, or that the applicant is a corporation, etc., substantially involved in the management of anti-social forces, etc.
(14)If you have received or are currently receiving measures such as suspension of this service or other services provided by the Company, deletion of your user ID, etc. in the past
(15)When we deem it necessary for the operation and maintenance of this service
(16)In the event that the Company determines that there are other reasons similar to those listed in the preceding items.
2. If any of the events in the preceding paragraph applies, the Subscriber shall naturally lose the benefit of time with respect to all debts owed to the Company (including, but not limited to, not only debts under these Terms and Conditions, but also the Subscriber's obligations to the Company for damages), and must immediately perform all obligations to the Company. The Subscriber shall immediately perform all obligations to the Company. 3. Even after action is taken in accordance with Paragraph 1, the Subscriber shall not be exempt from all obligations and liabilities (including, but not limited to, compensation for damages) to the Company and other third parties in the use of the Service. Even after action is taken in accordance with Paragraph 1, the Subscriber shall not be exempted from all obligations and liabilities (including but not limited to compensation for damages) to the Company and other third parties in using the Service. 4. The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the Subscriber as a result of actions taken by the Company under this Article, and the Company may retain or use the data and all other information provided by the Subscriber to the Company under these Terms and Conditions even after action is taken in accordance with Paragraph 1.

Article 11 Handling of Subscriber's Information and Personal Information

1. We shall collect information on subscribers, personal information as defined in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information of Users and Other Persons (hereinafter referred to as "Personal Information"). If we collect personal information ("Personal Information") directly from the Subscriber or User, or if we receive indirect information from a person other than the Subscriber or User, we may store such information for the period necessary to ensure the smooth provision of this Service. 2. The Company shall not disclose or provide the Subscriber's information or personal information to any person other than the Subscriber, the user himself/herself, the information source and the subject of the information in the preceding paragraph, and shall not use it beyond the scope necessary for the provision of the Service. 3. Upon request from the Subscriber, or after the termination of this Service Agreement or after the expiration of the retention period specified by the Company, the Company shall delete the personal information. However, even after termination of this Service Agreement or expiration of the retention period specified by the Company, the Company may not erase the personal information if it must be retained in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations. 4. We treat User Contents and User Data as confidential information. However, information that is publicly available via the Internet or has been publicly available in the past is not considered confidential information.

Article 12 Temporary Suspension and Discontinuance of Service

1. The Company may change or add all or part of the contents of the Service and software related to the Service without prior notice to the Subscriber. However, in the case of a change or discontinuance of the Service that involves a substantial reduction of the Service, the Company shall notify the Subscriber of the change or discontinuance of the Service, the contents of the Service after the change and the timing thereof by posting on the Company's website or other methods deemed appropriate by the Company, at least a reasonable period before such change or discontinuance. 2. The Company may, at its discretion, discontinue provision or operation of all or part of the Service. In the event that the Company, at its discretion, suspends provision or operation of all or part of the Service, the Company shall notify the subscriber to that effect by a method that the Company deems appropriate. However, in case of emergency, the Company may not notify the subscriber. 3. The Company may temporarily suspend all or part of the Service without prior notice to the Subscriber in the event of any of the following events.
(1)For periodic or emergency maintenance and repair of hardware, software, and telecommunications equipment and facilities for this service.
(2)When the services of a telecommunications carrier are not provided
(3)In the event that provision of this service is difficult due to force majeure such as natural disasters, etc.
(4)In the event of difficulty in providing this service due to fire, power failure, other unforeseen accidents, war, disputes, uprisings, riots, or labor disputes
(5)When the system is overloaded due to excessive access or other unforeseen factors
(6)When it becomes necessary to ensure the security of the subscriber
(7)(iii) When the provision of all or part of the contents site, the system of the information provider, or the service operated by a third party in cooperation with the Service (hereinafter referred to as "Third Party Service") is temporarily suspended or interrupted. (iii) When the provision of all or part of the content site, information provider system, or service operated by a third party in conjunction with the Service ("Third Party Service") is temporarily stopped or suspended
(8)When the operation of this service becomes impossible due to laws and regulations or measures based on such laws and regulations
(9)Any other cases deemed necessary by the Company in accordance with the preceding items.
4. The Subscriber agrees in advance that the use of the Service may be restricted in whole or in part in any of the following cases
(1)In the event that the user's ID, password, or other authentication functions for the purpose of confirming eligibility for use of the Service cannot be used to confirm eligibility for use of the Service.
(2)When using the Service in an environment where there is no Internet connection or where the connection conditions are not favorable.
(3)When using the Service under communication conditions that do not allow real-time communication
5. (2) The Company shall not be obligated to provide the Subscriber with support or modified versions (including updated versions) of software related to the Service. The Company shall not be obligated to provide the Subscriber with support for software related to the Service or revised versions (including updated versions). 6. The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the Subscriber as a result of actions taken by the Company in accordance with this Article.

Article 13 Relationship with Other Provisions

If there are provisions other than these Terms and Conditions on the Site or elsewhere in the Service, both provisions shall apply, and if there is any conflict between these Terms and Conditions and such provisions, such provisions shall take precedence over these Terms and Conditions.

Article 14 Exclusion of Antisocial Forces

The Company prohibits the use of the Service by antisocial forces, etc. If the Company determines that the Subscriber corresponds to such a person, the Company may suspend provision of the Service or terminate the Service Usage Contract without prior notice to the Subscriber. The Company shall not be liable for any damage or disadvantage caused to the Subscriber due to the suspension of provision of the Service or termination of the Service Usage Contract.

Article 15 Compensation for Damages

1. If the Subscriber causes damage to the Company by violating these Terms of Use or in connection with the use of the Service, the Subscriber shall compensate the Company for all such damage (including the cost of attorneys and other professionals and the Company's personnel expenses). The contractor shall compensate the Company for all damages (including the cost of attorneys and other professionals and the Company's labor costs). 2. If our company receives any claim from other contractors, users, or other third parties for infringement of rights or other reasons in connection with the use of this service by the contracting party, the contracting party must compensate our company for the amount our company was obliged to pay to the third party based on such claim and for the amount our company had to bear for resolving the dispute related to such claim (including the equivalent amount of lawyer and other professional fees and our labor costs).

Article 16 Disclaimer of Warranty and Disclaimer of Liability

1. The Company shall not warrant that the Service, the contents provided through the Service, or any other information that the Subscriber may obtain through the Service will meet the Subscriber's specific objectives; that the Service will have the expected functions, commercial value, accuracy, and usefulness; that the Subscriber's use of the Service will comply with applicable laws and regulations or internal rules of industry associations; that defects will not occur; that the contents provided through the Service can be used legally; that the contents provided through the Service will resolve problems related to the use of the Service; or that the Service will be used legally. We do not guarantee in any way that the Service will solve any problems related to the use of the Service. 2. The Company shall not be liable for any interruption, suspension, termination, unavailability, or modification of the Service by the Company, deletion or loss of data, etc. transmitted by the Subscriber to the Service, deletion of the Subscriber's registration, loss of data, etc. or equipment failure or damage due to use of the Service, suspension of the server in the use of the Service, loss, damage, or leakage of data due to inability or delay in connection to the server, or any other damage incurred by the Subscriber in connection with the Service, unless such damage is caused by the Company's intentional or gross negligence. The Company shall not be liable to compensate for any loss, damage, or leakage of data due to the inability or delay of connection to the server, or any other damage suffered by the Subscriber in connection with the Service, except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the Company. 3. The Company will not be involved in communications or activities between subscribers. In the unlikely event that a dispute or problem arises between subscribers, it shall be resolved at the responsibility and expense of the subscribers concerned, and the Company shall not be involved in any way. 4. If a dispute arises between the Subscriber and a third party, the Subscriber shall resolve the dispute at his/her own responsibility and expense, and the Company shall not be involved in any way. 5. Even if our website provides links to other websites or links from other websites to our website, we assume no responsibility for any other websites or information obtained from such websites. 6. The Subscriber shall verify the authenticity of the information entered by the user and the accuracy of the method of entry, and the Company does not guarantee that the accuracy of the information displayed or the aggregate results accurately reflect the actual situation. 7. The Subscriber shall manage data, etc. at his/her own risk, and shall check the history of data, etc. entered, updated, processed, edited, etc. on the Service by himself/herself by using the relevant functions within the scope provided by the Service. Except for cases in which personal information contained in data, etc. is handled in accordance with the personal information protection policy, the Company shall not be responsible for disclosing, correcting, or deleting the contents of the Subscriber's data, etc. and its history. 8. The subscriber agrees in advance that the Company does not guarantee that the Service is compatible with all terminals, and that even if the Service is compatible with all terminals at the start of use, there is a possibility that malfunctions may occur in the operation of the Service due to OS upgrades, etc. of the terminal used for use of the Service. The subscriber agrees in advance that defects in the operation of the Service may occur due to OS upgrades, etc., of the terminal used for the Service. The Company does not guarantee that any program modifications, etc. made by the Company will eliminate such defects if they occur. The recommended operating environment for the Service is not exempted from this clause. 9. The Subscriber agrees in advance that image quality and image distortion may occur in the use of the Service due to the shooting method, environment, and camera performance, and the Subscriber or User shall not be liable for any damage incurred by the Subscriber or User as a result of this. 10. The Service involves access to external services owned by the Subscriber or User when using certain functions, and the Company assumes no responsibility for any effects on the Service caused by external systems, such as the status of the system of such external services or the status of other companies' service accounts. 11. The Subscriber agrees that the judgments made by the artificial intelligence contained in the Service are intended as an aid to user operations, and that the Company does not guarantee their integrity. We shall not be liable for any disadvantage incurred by the Subscriber, the user, or any third party as a result of following the judgment of this function. 12. The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the Subscriber in relation to the Service, except in the case of willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the Company. Even in the case of willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the Company, or in the case where, due to the application of the Consumer Contract Act or other reasons, the Company is only partially exempted from liability for damages to the Subscriber notwithstanding this paragraph or other provisions exempting the Company from liability for damages, the scope of the Company's liability for damages shall be limited to the actual damages directly caused by reasons attributable to the Company. Even in cases where the Company is only partially exempted from liability for damages to the Subscriber, notwithstanding the provisions of this Article or other provisions exempting the Company from liability for damages, the scope of the Company's liability shall be limited to direct and ordinary damages actually caused by reasons attributable to the Company, and the total amount of the Service usage fees actually received from the Subscriber within the past one year from the time the damage occurred.

Article 17 Transfer of Status under these Terms and Conditions

1. The Subscriber may not assign, succeed (including comprehensive succession through merger, company split, etc.), or provide for the purpose of security the position under the Service Usage Contract or the rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions, in whole or in part, to a third party without the prior written consent of SOFTBANK TELECOM. (2) The Subscriber may not assign, succeed (including comprehensive succession through merger, company split, etc.), or provide for the purpose of security to any third party. 2. In the event that the Company transfers the business related to the Service to another party, the position in the Service Usage Contract, rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions, and the Subscriber's registration information and other customer information may be transferred to the transferee of such business transfer, and the Subscriber shall be deemed to have agreed to such transfer in advance. The Subscriber shall be deemed to have agreed in advance to such transfer.

Article 18 Severability

Even if any provision or part of a provision of these Terms and Conditions is determined to be invalid or unenforceable under the Consumer Contract Act or other laws and regulations, the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions and the remaining parts of any provision that is determined to be invalid or unenforceable in part shall remain in full force and effect. The Company and the Subscriber shall endeavor to amend this Agreement to the extent necessary to make such invalid or unenforceable provision or part thereof legal and enforceable, and to ensure that the intent of such invalid or unenforceable provision or part thereof and its legal and economic effect are equivalent.

Article 19 Survival Clause

1. Article 2.2 through Article 2.6, Article 8, Article 11, Article 15, and Article 20 shall remain in effect even if the Service Usage Contract between the Company and the Subscriber is terminated, regardless of the cause of such termination. 2. Other provisions that are considered to be reasonably sustainable in light of the purpose of these Terms and Conditions, etc.

Article 20 Governing Law and Agreed Jurisdiction

1. These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. 2. The Nagoya District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction in the first instance over any litigation relating to these Terms of Use.

Article 21 Modification of Terms of Use

The Company may change the contents of these Terms of Use by specifying an implementation date. In such case, the Terms of Use shall be modified in accordance with the modified contents from the implementation date.

Article 22. Consultation and Settlement

If any matter is not stipulated in these Terms of Use or any question arises regarding the interpretation of these Terms of Use, the Company and the Subscriber shall promptly resolve the matter through mutual consultation in accordance with the principle of good faith and faith.

Established on December 1, 2022
Revised on May 22, 2023
AGENCIA Corporation

